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Camera Controller / Shaker Maker 0.2.5 for Maya (maya script)

Adds a procedural Camera Shake rig/system to an existing camera.

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  • 2012, 2011, 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Solaris
  • Windows


Last Modified:03/09/2012
File Size: 55.8 KB


Layout, animation


The Camera Shake engine/expression has been improved and now creates smooth motion suitable for hand-held cameras.  6 Presets provide a starting point for many situations.

If you add a Shake rig to a previously animated camera, the animation is transferred to the Camera Shake rig.  The camera will move exactly the same through the shot.

Once a Shaker rig has been attached to the camera it can also be removed from within the Camera UI.  This will allow you to take an animated camera, give it a Shake rig with the animation of the camera being intact.  If you need to edit the camera motion again, remove the Shaker rig from within the Camera UI and your animation will be transfered back to your camera.  If you key the SHAKE channels before you remove the rig, you can add a shaker rig to the camera again and it will pick up those settings again automatically.

Creating the Shaker Rig for a Camera:

  1. 1. Start the rsCameraUI.
  2. 2. Choose the camera from the  Camera option menu.
  3. 3. From the Tools menu chose Add/Remove Camera Shake.
  4. 4.The Camera Shake system will be set up on the camera, camera postion and rotation animation will be transfer to the appropriate node, and the SHAKE section of the Camera UI will appear.

Removing Shaker Rig for a Camera:

  1. 1.Start the rsCameraUI.
  2. 2. Choose the camera from the Camera option menu.  
  3. 3. From the Tools menu chose Add/Remove Camera Shake.
  4. 4. The Camera Shake system will be removed from set up on the camera, and the SHAKE section of the Camera UI will appear.

To Install:

  1. 1. Copy to your scripts directory.
  2. 2. In a python script editor tab or a shelf button, run following text:

import rsCameraUI



This is a small GUI that allows you to control your cameras, as well as add, remove and control a procedural Camera shake. Perfect for previs/layout and for camera animation.  With it you can easily change focal lengths and rotate a camera in place (pan, not orbit) without having the camera selected.  You may also control the translation of the camera as well.

The UI does not impact your ability to use the [alt] key and standard mouse controls to manipulate the camera.

New Features

  •    - Switchable thumbnail-sized camera view
  •    - Procedural Camera Shake system that keeps previous camera animation.
  •    - Dual Translation Mode: Global, or Screen-relative Right/Left, Up/Down, In/Out
  •    - Dual Rotation Mode: Global, or Screen-relative Pan/Lift/Tilt
  •    - Prime Lenses Presets
  •    - Quick access to Overscan, Near Clip and Far Clipping Planes
  •    - Enable Field Chart, Film and Resolution Gates, and Safe Action and Title Action Extents

Using the Shaker Rig:

The [camera]_ShakeControl node has 12 channels that control Camera shake:
    SEED - Randon seed. Using the same seed creates the same random results.
    OFFSET - Acts as a multiplier of the over all effect. Typically best set to 0.
    FREQUENCY TRANS - Higher number means more shakes.
    AMPLITUDE TRANS - Higher number means bigger shake.
    FREQUENCY ROT - Higher number mean more shakes.
    AMPLITUDE ROT - Higher number means bigger shakes.


If the Camera Shake channels are keyed, and the Camera UI is used to remove the camera shake.  If you choose to add a camera shake node again, you will be given the option to use the previous settings.


Email me with any questions,  comments, problems suggestions or job offers.

Feel free to use this script on any productions, but please email me and let if you do.Thank you.

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