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Scripts / Plugins > Data Management compatible with Maya
Free AddNewObjectBySelection for Maya
Tool for create the new object by selection. New object will be created befor, after, beside or by the selection object.
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Set Array Attribute for Maya
Script for changing arbitrary attributes of selected objects, position of vertices, CVs, and time/value of keyframes.
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Simple Tools Asset Manager - Trial Version for Maya
Asset management for Maya made simple.
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OBJ[I/O] - OBJ Sequences Import/Export for Maya
This tool helps importing and exporting OBJ sequences and single OBJs
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ADR Batch Export for Maya
Exports selected objects in the maya scene to different formats. It can reset the transition values, so that the object is saved at the grid, which will be easier to identify and manage, while importing to a new scene.
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ADR UV Man for Maya
UV Man is a plug-in which is intended to export UV data of a mesh in a JSON file as well as importing and assigning UV into a mesh as per the information read from an external JSON file.
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easyPipeline3d - production for Maya
easyPipeline3d is a data management suite that will help your 3D production to run faster and smoother, letting you focus on the artistic aspect of your project. It will take care of most of the technical work automating naming conventions, data structures, shading, cache workflow and more.
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easyPipeline3d - configuration for Maya
easyPipeline3d - configuration is a simple standalone app that allows you to configure or edit your 3d production in few clicks
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Switch node for Maya
Control multiple outputs based on an input index, only one output will be set to 1, all others set to 0
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OBJ Sequence Exporter for Maya
exports selected meshes to OBJ sequence in a project subfolder
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Massive Attribute Editor for Maya
This tool allows you to edit the attributes of all the selection in one click (or two)
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Vertex Color Bench for Maya
Vertex Color Bench provides simple tools for creating and editing rgba vertex color gradients.
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