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Autotile Me 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

automatically sets up tiled textures from Mari or Mudbox

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  • Windows


Last Modified:08/30/2017
File Size: 3.55 KB


maya, mari, mudbox, uv tile

This is a simple script that reads the file names of your tiled images imported from Mari or Mudbox and sets up a linked and properly offset connected texture set to connect to your shader. It assumes that you are using the standard tile naming convention (filename.1001.tif for Mari and filename_u1_v1.tif for Mudbox, for example).

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  • Oliv Ber
    Oliv Ber
  • Santi Gutierrez
    Santi Gutierrez
  • PPPetr888
  • Janice Liu
    Janice Liu
  • Changbae Kang
    Changbae Kang