This script adds the auto-save on Maya.

After activate it on the options, specify:
General Options
Minutes(s) Specify the time between two saves
Advanced Options
Confirm: enable a confirm box on saving
Run script on: specify the event used by the script Job
update on v1.0.3:
use of the standard save command so:
- if the scene have not yet a name, the "File As" standard window is opened
- incremental save options are used if there're activated
update on v1.0.4:a bug on Maya 8.0 with the help was corrected
The Auto Save Options menu is located on the standard File menu.
Put the file:
- NPautoSave.mel
on your mel scripts folder:
(Windows) :Documents and SettingsusernameMy Documentsmayascripts
(Mac OS X) Users/username/Library/Preferences/Alias/maya/x.0/scripts
(IRIX and Linux) ~username/maya/scripts
and create or locate your userSetup.mel, by default on this folder:
(Windows) :Documents and SettingsMy Documentsmayascripts
(Mac) ~/Library/Preferences/Alias/maya//scripts
(Linux) ~/maya//scripts
or, if you use the BonusTool, in the script folder of it.
(Windows) :Program FilesAliasMayaBonusTools
(Mac) /Users/Shared/Alias/maya/
(Linux) /usr/aw/maya/BonusTools
and put the command:
buildDeferredMenus(); //for Maya 2009 (only once)
source NPautoSave;
and restart maya...
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