Windows Install:
1. Unzip the folder to your Root Drive. Most likely C:.
2. Copy/Paste the 2 lines below into a mel tab in the script Editor:
source "C:/Ninja_Forge/Ninja_Forge.mel";
3. Create an Icon in a shelf with the lines above. Make sure to create it as a Mel not Python.
If you unzipped the files to a different directory, change the directory to where you unzipped Ninja Dojo.
ie: source "C:/Users/bkeffer/Desktop/Ninja_Forge/Ninja_Forge.mel";
Mac Install:
1. Unzip the file to your Root Drive.
2. Copy/Paste the 2 lines below into a mel tab in the script Editor:
source "/Ninja_Forge/Ninja_Forge.mel";
3. Create an Icon in a shelf with the lines above. Make sure to create it as a Mel not Python.
If you unzipped the files to a different directory, change the directory to where you unzipped Ninja Dojo.
ie: source "/Users/bkeffer/Desktop/Ninja_Forge/Ninja_Forge.mel";