To create the shader simply drag and drop the corresponding mel script in Maya viewport, or load it in script editor and then install it in a shelf using provided icons.

Simple Zdepth useful to add Zblur in your compositing package. You can tune the Zdepth in the extra attributes of the shader.

Same as SimpleZ, you can tune the Zdepth in extra attributes of the shader but you can also tweak the shape of the gradient using the ControlRamp. Useful as mask on a defocus node in your compositing package.


Shader outputing three different kind of information :
Red channel = Z depth
Green channel = Y Height
Blue Channel = Falloff
In the extra attributes of the shader you can tune the value of the Zdepth, the starting and ending point of the Y Height (useful to add ground haze, for example, in your compositing software) and the aspect of the falloff.


Shader to fake fresnel effect in compositing. You can tweak the gradient using ControlRamp.

Simple Shader outputing geometries UV's geometries. No control. Useful to remap objects in compositing software. Need to be rendered to 32-bit float.

Simple Shader outputing Normal of objects in screen space. No control. Useful for 2.5D relighting. Better to be rendered aliased and then to deal with the anti-aliasing in your compositing software.

Simple Position Point Pass Shader, the RGB value of each pixel represents its position XYZ in 3D space. Useful for 2.5D relighting. Need to be rendered in 32-bits float and better to be rendered aliased.
eXo. 2011.
henri.deruer [at]
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