Cilantro is a friend of mine, she is a Thai woman and makes this soup that has Cilantro in it. It inspires so much flavor and the herbs she uses just made me start painting this.
Most of my pieces are made for the viewer to see the meaning that they conjure up. Some have a definate meaning but I never try to interpret it as I find it more interesting to see what others think, get thier take.
With most commisions, I can paint a rough in less than 2 hours and a final detailed 2.35 Acedemy 35mm sized or HD in less than 6 hours.
Mainly Natural Media Airbrush, Photoshop and a little Painter, dry scan and retouch with pqainter and photoshop.
Trying to get more into Film Concept Art. Would appreciate any advice or reccomendations
KD Matheson
Most of my pieces are made for the viewer to see the meaning that they conjure up. Some have a definate meaning but I never try to interpret it as I find it more interesting to see what others think, get thier take.
With most commisions, I can paint a rough in less than 2 hours and a final detailed 2.35 Acedemy 35mm sized or HD in less than 6 hours.
Mainly Natural Media Airbrush, Photoshop and a little Painter, dry scan and retouch with pqainter and photoshop.
Trying to get more into Film Concept Art. Would appreciate any advice or reccomendations
KD Matheson